Will Haythornthwaite passes MS900 exam

Will Haythornthwaite is celebrating passing his MS900 exam.

As part of the course, the first line apprentice has learnt more about security, compliance, cloud computing, Intune and onboarding as part of the qualification.

Will, who joined Holker straight from Burnley College on an apprenticeship, still attends lectures one day a week and the rest of the time he is mentored by Holker’s staff.

Will, 19, from Barnoldswick, said: “I’m really enjoying the best of both worlds. College gives me the technical insights, while my time at Holker gives me the opportunity to put that knowledge into practice and gives me real life experience.

A typical day for Will includes phone calls with customers, issuing tickets, setting up new users, as well as ongoing training and mentoring.

Next, Will plans to study for his Azure 900, Security 900 and AI fundamentals before sitting his 3CX and 8×8 exams.

He added: “I want to ensure I have a good level of knowledge and experience.”

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