Prince & King – Case Study

Security online is hugely important to any firm, but it is vital for a company within the financial services sector.

Prince & King, a financial services firm based in Earby, Lancashire, have long sought the expertise of Holker IT.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Prince & King needed to enable work remotely for its team.

All data is held on-site, this data is of a highly personal nature, including bank and pension details.

While the company had a small physical server on site, installing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) meant that its workforce could access essential systems and software from home.

The remote network allowed people to collaborate with colleagues virtually, keeping everyone as safe as possible.

Accounts Manager, Joanne Bjork, said: “When everybody started to work from home, we were able to set our main Office Manager up to work remotely. This enabled the Prince & King team member to complete her day-to-day tasks away from the physical office and work efficiently from home.”

The VPN also allowed the company’s Accountant to work from home, alongside other key colleagues in the 10-strong team.

The team have also embarked on Cyber Essentials training – teaching staff about the risk of security breaches via phishing attacks and the importance of password security via Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).

The MFA ensures that if staff log onto the network via a new device, they receive a unique PIN code to their mobile phone. This provides an extra level of security before the team accessed potentially sensitive files on a shared network to protect their clients and their data.

Joanne added: “The package Holker offered us was really good. It helped us all tighten our belts and make sure everything was secure.

“The training highlighted the need for everyone to be careful, by making us aware of various security breaches, including via social media.”

Joanne and the team enjoyed a professional, friendly and reliable service from Holker – both during the pandemic and throughout the company’s longstanding partnership. Joanne says the support desk were extremely knowledgeable, offering a reliable, advice-led approach.

“The Holker team have always been friendly and responsive to our needs. I feel that they’ve given the very best service over the years. We’ve been very happy to have grown with Holker.”

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