Kingfisher: It’s going to be a ball

Holker IT is supporting Kingfisher Special School’s annual ball to help them raise money to develop a woodland learning area.

Around 200 people are expected to attend the event at the White Hart at Lydgate on 11 March – many of them corporate supporters. There will also be an auction and raffle on the night.

Michael Unsworth, Director Of Business at the Oldham school, said: “The ball started 13 years ago and so far has raised in excess of £140,000. This will be the first ball since the Covid-19 pandemic and is a fantastic fundraiser for Kingfisher – which is the only special school in Oldham for children with complex needs.

“None of the money raised goes towards bills or salaries – it raises money for extras for the pupils. In the past we have funded a multi-sensory studio, soft playrooms and money towards the construction of the new hydrotherapy pool.

“The focus of this year’s event is to rejuvenate our woodland area – which needs a lot of TLC. It was developed in 2005 and is a fantastic resource – but it needs making more accessible and general improvements making.

“The ball is a quality event that will benefit the 202 primary school age children who have a range of severe and complex needs, or have experienced life limiting, life threatening or life changing events.”

Michael said the nature and needs of the pupils’ changes, and he wants to make sure that even the hard-to-reach areas of the forest school are accessible to everyone.

He added: “The school is a really happy place and we are giving these children new opportunities every single day.”

IMAGE CREDIT: Oldham Chronicle. One of Kingfisher Special School’s previous events.

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