Fantastic team player named In. Holker IT’s latest employee awards

Lindsey Ryan has been named Employee of the Quarter at Burnley’s leading IT company.

Lindsey, who overseas service delivery, was nominated for the accolade by her colleagues at Holker IT during the quarterly vote – which has now been running a year. Lindsey, whose daily duties include purchasing, monitoring licensing and renewals, keeping customers informed, liaising with suppliers, regularly liaises with every department.

Not only does Lindsey help to keep all the wheels turning smoothly, she also supports the management team – and organises social events such as next Friday’s Cuppa and a coffee afternoon to raise money for the Breast Cancer Now charity.

Her colleagues said: “Lindsey is a fantastic team player who goes the extra mile on a daily basis. She has a consistently brilliant attitude.” “She always making sure tasks are completed in a timely manner, taking ownership and going the extra mile. She is willing to take on other responsibilities to assist the team. She has a desire to make Holker even better for our clients. Thank you Lindsey!” The modest employee said: “I feel appreciative that people thought I deserved it. I’m just doing my job but it means a lot to be votes as the winner by the team.”

To celebrate her achievement, Lindsey has received a glass trophy and Amazon vouchers as a thank you from the business. Matthew Phillipson, Head of Service at Holker, initiated the awards. He said: “The employee of the quarter awards recognises our people for doing great work. “Holker is a growing business, so we wanted to make sure nothing was missed, and all employees felt valued. Well done Lindsey.” A special mention was also given to Dominic Arnfield who moved to the education team at short notice to support the team.

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