Managed firewall solutions

Holker’s managed firewall solutions take your security worries away.

A firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. 

It acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and an untrusted external network, such as the Internet. 

The primary purpose of a firewall is to protect the network from unauthorised access, threats, and potential attacks.

of organisations use firewalls to defend against cyber threats.
0 %
of all data breaches involve some form of network intrusion.
0 %
of businesses opt for a managed firewall solution.
0 %

Virtual firewall

A virtual share of a remote physical machine

Unmanaged firewall

On-site physical hardware

Managed firewall

On-site physical hardware

Why Holker for firewalls?

Our expertise in all things security-related means your organisation can rely on Holker to secure your network perimeter.

With advanced monitoring and detection technologies, our security desk can be notified within minutes of suspect traffic and take action to prevent or mitigate a breach.

What is a firewall?

Firewalls can be hardware devices, software programs, or a combination of both. They can also be implemented at different points in a network, such as at the perimeter (between a private network and the internet), between different internal networks, or on individual devices.

Firewalls use a variety of techniques to control network traffic, including:

  • Packet filtering, which examines packets of data as they enter or leave the network
  • Stateful inspection, which tracks the state of network connections to ensure that only legitimate traffic is allowed through.
  • Application-level gateway filtering, which examines application-layer data to enforce security policies specific to a particular application.

Do I need a firewall?

We highly recommended that you use a firewall to protect your devices and network from cyber threats. 

Firewalls are an essential part of any cybersecurity strategy and can help prevent unauthorised access to your network, as well as protect your devices from malware and other malicious attacks.

Even if you have antivirus software and other security measures in place, a firewall can provide an additional layer of protection by controlling the flow of network traffic to and from your devices. 

It can also help you monitor and identify potential security breaches, such as attempts to access your network from unauthorised sources or to transfer sensitive data without authorisation.

Many operating systems come with built-in firewalls, and there are also many third-party firewall solutions available for purchase. 

It is important to select a firewall that is appropriate for your network environment and to keep it up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.

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