Securing your network.
Holker can help you

Like any good jigsaw, your organisation’s security relies on many pieces, and having the full picture helps enormously.

Holker will audit your network hardware, software, policies and users to give us the complete picture, where we can then give you a comprehensive solution.

This solution will include network infrastructure, firewalls, endpoint security, backups and disaster recovery, user training and best practice.

of organisations have more than one vulnerable attack vectors putting their operations at risk.
0 %
of successful attacks have come from known and preventable security issues.
0 %
of businesses will experience a data breach or cybersecurity incident in the next 12 months.
0 %

Endpoint security

Endpoint security protects individual devices from cyber threats. It employs tools like antivirus, firewalls, and encryption to safeguard data and prevent unauthorized access, a key element of modern cybersecurity.

Penetration testing

Penetration testing, or ethical hacking, assesses system vulnerabilities by simulating real-world cyberattacks. It helps organisations identify weaknesses and enhance their cybersecurity defences proactively.

Network audits

Network audits assess an organisation’s IT infrastructure. They ensure configurations, security, and performance meet standards, which enhances functionality, compliance, and protection against vulnerabilities and breaches.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed certification that strengthens cybersecurity by emphasizing fundamental controls. It helps organisations protect against common online threats and demonstrate their commitment to security.

Cyber attack response

Cyber attack response is a structured strategy for identifying, containing, eradicating, and recovering from security breaches.

It aims to minimize damage and prevent future incidents.


Backups are copies of digital data stored separately from the original source. They serve as a crucial safeguard against data loss caused by hardware failures, cyberattacks, or accidental deletions, ensuring data resilience and recovery.

Why Holker for network security?

Holker have a proven track record in protecting organisations by hardening networks and reducing risks through integrated security solutions.

Our skilled security engineers will identify high, medium and low-level risks and propose solutions to protect your organisation against malicious actors.

If you’re in the middle of a security related incident, Holker can help shut out attackers and sanitise your infrastructure, whilst proving you with immediate clean resources through our DaaS.

Trust Holker with your security.

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Fill out the form and one of our colleagues will be in touch to discuss your requirements. You can also call us on 0333 305 2020 if you need a faster response.

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